If you’ve ever read a guide about propagating or trimming plants then you’ve probably been warned that your gardening shears need to be sterilized first. But what’s the big deal? Do you really need to sterilize gardening shears or are …
Houseplants and Gardening
17 Essential Fall Tools to Prep Your Lawn and Garden for Winter
by meganby megan 7 minutes readReady to create your ideal backyard, but need to get cracking before winter comes and feeling totally overwhelmed by the crazy amount of gardening and yard tools available, which then makes your credit card cry a little? Believe me, I …
Creating a Wildflower Garden There’s this weird spot in our backyard that’s under our kitchen window. It’s sort of been a “No Man’s Land” kind of place; the ground was coarse and the soil was pretty dry, nothing was really …
Houseplants and Gardening
7 Binge-Worthy Gardening Shows on Netflix
by Dannicaby Dannica 5 minutes readName a more iconic duo than Gardening and Netflix, I dare you. If you love gardening, you’ve probably looked, or you already have a favorite gardening show. Now, if you want to add a few more shows to your list, …
Houseplants and Gardening
Two Major Gardening Hacks You Need to Know
by Dannicaby Dannica 5 minutes readKnowing how to grow your own garden does not require a green thumb. All you need are tips and guidance from backyard growers and experts and a few gardening hacks you need to know. Gardening Hacks You Need To Know …
Houseplants and Gardening
Have A Pest-Free Garden With These 4 Tips
by Dannicaby Dannica 5 minutes readSo you’ve enthusiastically started growing your garden and are very much excited to see its outcome in a few weeks or so. Keep your plants healthy and have a pest-free garden with these four tips: Have A Pest-Free Garden With …