No Shit September

The Best Accessories for An Industrial Office

by Dannica
Published: Last Updated on

If you work from home, your home office plays a vital role in your day. It serves as your “command center” – where all the buzz and important decisions happen. Today, we’re going to embrace and discover the charm of an Industrial Office.

What is Industrial Office Decor?

If you want that old warehouse look, with large windows/open interior – you’re in the right post. Industrial decor is cool, both in “coolness” and in hues, so expect to stay away from warm tones or bright colors. Embrace the love of galvanized steel, pipes, and minimalist style decor. This is a fabulous decorating style for DIY enthusiasts, as imperfections in materials add to the appeal, and raw woods that show their age add to the charm of this style.

Picking The Best Accessories for Industrial Office

Since an industrial office design idea have that raw and cool feel, there’s a lot of accessories you can play with – metal, wood – you have a variety of choices! If you want to get the urban loft/industrial look in your home office, check out these accessories we picked out for you!

A Nice Table – you’re going to be using your table a lot so pick one that fits your lifestyle. Do you need a small or big table? With the industrial theme in mind, a wooden table with a raw-finish would be the best. If you got some time, you can also totally DIY your table – one idea is upcycling an old sewing machine.

Choosing Your Throne – one of the features that I like about Industrial office is that you don’t have to match everything. You can mix and match furniture – old or new, big or small, wood or metal – you can choose whatever you want.

Modrest Orwell – $360
Metal Dining Chair – $119.99

Storagethe beauty of industrial decor is it’s timeless – you can blend vintage and modern style. Its color scheme – neutral also makes it easier to incorporate different accessories seamlessly. So, when you’re choosing a storage for your office, the selection is pretty vast. Personally, I like those vintage metal or raw wood style.

Halifax Cabinet for Closet – $159.99

Lighting – if you’re thinking about splurging on your industrial office, better splurge on lighting. You’ll be going to be spending a lot of time in your office, and sometimes you’ll find yourself working until late at night. You can get those industrial looking pendant chandelier or a lamp.

Astor Court Industrial 1 Light – $76

Decorations – this must be one of the most fun parts of decorating an industrial office. You can be minimalist and pick a couple of accessories or go the whole shebang and decorate it with a couple of pieces. The best part is, you can go to flea/vintage markets and shop there. Alternatively, you can also refurbish some of your old furniture.

Wall Decor with Fan Blade Design – $86

Industrial office decor is probably one of the easiest decorating ideas out there. If you like an office that is very minimalist and easy to maintain, this decor idea is perfect for you. Now, if this doesn’t suit your taste, you can see more decor ideas here.


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