One of the reasons we wanted to leave Brooklyn was to find a house with a yard and get a dog. We waited for YEARS, always with the plan to expand our family to one more rescue animal and I’m so pleased to introduce him to you!

Jimmy Bagels is a 5-month-old Australian Shepherd mix that we rescued with the help of a local foster care who picked him up from Kentucky. He is so full of love and puppy energy, Bettie and Jeter (our cats) are incredibly confused and don’t quite know what to make of him yet, but we hope that Jeter makes friends with him soon (Bettie can’t be bothered and is a perpetual grump).

So…his name. When we lived in NYC, there was a round-up in our neighborhood of local gang members, potentially mafia. The paper had reported names like “Tony Pizza” and “Jimmy Bagels” and I just thought the name Jimmy Bagels was the BEST for a fun little dog. Hopefully, if the human Mr. Bagels ever sees this, he’ll see it as a homage and not some sort of ribbing…Mr. Bagels, you just have an amazing name and we say that with love!

Now that we have a puppy, we’re learning via Google, Amazon (for which our American Express is thankful), and obedience training the tools of the trade to make sure Jimmy is a happy pup in our family, and I’m going to be passing on the info here in case you too come to finding yourselves with a new little goober puppy like us. Also, Jimmy will be featured in more posts as we continue renovating the house so I felt like it was sort of required he get his own intro post!