This post is sponsored by Babbleboxx, thanks, guys!
Winters in Upstate NY are no joke. When we lived in NYC, we’d lament the bitterly cold wind that came with living in a city that’s a giant wind tunnel and the occasional snowstorm, but we really had no idea what to expect when we moved here a year ago. Case in point:

and that’s what everyone up here is calling a “mild winter!” Seriously!
So now we’re just accepting the fact that we will get snowed in at least once this year, so we’re planning for some winter glamping now and getting our supplies together. Babbleboxx felt my pain and sent me their latest themed box, Cold Weather Comforts, to help us get through it!

Surviving New York Winters: Two Tips to Stop You From Going Insane
Tip 1: Get the basics ahead of time
Seeing the cool Zippo Mini Flex candle lighter in this box reminded me of something. Last year, our town lost power for a week due to high winds. Luckily we were spared and had power and heat the entire time, but many of our neighbors were without right before an epic snowstorm. It actually was so severe that towns from across the country (and a few from Canada!) sent utility trucks to help get power restored before the snow came. My point is, never ever be unprepared. Get candles, lighters, blankets, and non-perishable food stored. We still need to work on the food part, but we are good to go with comfy blankets and our collection of candles. Adding to the collection thanks to Babbleboxx, who sent this Chesapeake Bay triple wicked candle from their Mind and Body Collection, which lit up part of our living room with no problem.

Add to that the Zippo candle lighter, which can be refilled with Zippo lighter fluid, and we’re definitely set. We always used to have those crappy dollar store version of candle lighters, and they always failed when we needed them, so I’m glad to have this lighter and have more peace of mind.

Babbleboxx also sent Zoganic Low-Calorie Vitamin Supplements and Stuffy Nose Strips which I haven’t tried yet since I’m saving for the “head cold season”, but I’m glad to know we have it!
Tip 2: If it’s not a disaster, it’s still okay to hunker down
Making a less dramatic point for this one! Cold weather for us means snuggles, comfort, and warmth. Create a comfy space for a good book and a hot tea. Our living room is split in half with a sitting area towards the back of it, and this is where I like to snuggle up in one of our comfy chairs and do a little self-care so I was psyched to see Babbleboxx included Links, a new romance novel by Lisa Becker and Tea Forte’s “Warming Joy Collection” in this month’s box. Can we discuss how cute this little holiday tea gift set is? I’m a nerd for packaging, and this is above and beyond, especially for a unique holiday gift.

So, keep your fingers crossed we have less of a snowpocalypse this year! How do you handle winters (if you have them at all, side-eyeing my family in Florida right now)
Babbleboxx offers:
- 25% off Stuffy Nose Strips with code XECX9243
- 20% off any Tea Forte Order With Code WJ20, Valid through 12/31/17