Hey everyone, Megan here! Today, I want to share some tips with you on how to keep aquariums when you have ADHD. As someone who struggles with ADHD myself, I know how challenging it can be to maintain focus and stay on top of things like tank maintenance. However, I’ve found that having aquariums can be incredibly soothing and beneficial for my mindset, especially when things get overwhelming or sensory issues arise. So, let’s dive into some of the strategies that have helped me maintain successful tanks despite the challenges of ADHD.

First and foremost, it’s essential to accept that “good enough” is perfectly okay. Trust me, I understand the struggle of perfectionism and the constant feeling that things are never as clean or organized as they should be. But when it comes to aquariums, it’s crucial to embrace the idea that your tanks don’t have to be museum-quality pristine. As long as your fish and plants are thriving, and the overall environment is healthy, that’s what truly matters. So, release the pressure of perfection and find peace in knowing that “good enough” is more than sufficient.
When it comes to choosing the right aquarium setup, I’ve found that opting for larger tanks can make a significant difference, especially for individuals with ADHD. Bigger tanks provide more room for the water to dilute harmful substances such as nitrates and ammonia, making it easier to maintain consistent levels. Additionally, if you’re like me and have a tendency to embrace your hyperfixation on a specific area, having a few larger tanks might even be more manageable than juggling multiple smaller ones.
Speaking of tank inhabitants, it’s important to fill your aquarium with critters and plants that can lend you a helping hand. Plecos, shrimp, and snails are fantastic allies in keeping the tank clean and maintaining a healthy ecosystem. These little creatures contribute to the balance of the tank and offer some breathing room, particularly on days when you may struggle to keep up with maintenance tasks.

Now, let’s talk fish and plants. When choosing your aquatic companions and greenery, opt for low-effort species that are resilient and don’t demand extensive care. In my experience, I’ve found that sticking with low-maintenance fish like betas, platies, and danios, as well as hardy plants that don’t require CO2, significantly eases the burden of upkeep. It’s all about finding a balance that suits your lifestyle and attention span without compromising the well-being of your aquarium.
One crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy tank is investing in the right equipment. Having a larger filter can make a world of difference, as it helps to keep the water clean and provides a bit of a buffer when you might not be able to tend to the tank as frequently as you’d like. Additionally, look for tools and gadgets that lower the friction of maintenance, such as gravel vacuums that connect to your sink and light timers. I’ve personally found that these small investments have made a significant difference in simplifying the care routine for my tanks.
Another key tip is to consider the placement of your aquariums. If possible, position them in a space where you spend a lot of time, such as your office or another frequently visited area of your home. Keeping your tanks in a prominent location where they’re easily visible can help mitigate the “out of sight, out of mind” tendency that commonly accompanies ADHD. For me, having my tanks in my office serves as a gentle reminder to tend to them regularly, even when my mind may be preoccupied with other tasks.
While these tips have personally helped me navigate aquarium keeping with ADHD, I’d love to hear from you. If you have additional suggestions or experiences to share, please feel free to leave a comment. Let’s continue the conversation and support one another on this journey. Remember, it’s all about finding a balance that brings joy and relaxation without adding unnecessary stress to our lives.
Thanks for tuning in, and I look forward to sharing more with you in the next video. Take care, and happy fishkeeping!
- Megan