Friends, I’ve had part of my house plague me since we moved in last November and I need to both vent my aggravation and celebrate my a-ha moment!

This is the entry to our laundry room.

It haunts me daily because it lives on the side of our kitchen.Â
Originally the doors listed chores and a list of house rules from the previous owner (side note: the kids must’ve been noisy AF based on the rules that were listed), but we primed over that, though you can still make out the texture of the words when the light hits it just right.
I walk by these every day, knowing something has to be done about it. These doors will not stand.
Granted, there’s nothing inherently wrong with my laundry room doors, except that since we’ve updated our cabinets and have gone for a more dramatic motif in the kitchen, these simply stick out. They’re like the red-headed stepchildren of my kitchen. They affect me for how inorganic they now look as compared to the rest of the kitchen and the house.
Sometimes I think about painting the doors black to match the cabinets, but then I think that might be way too much black for one room (although I am PRO black). Then I thought about spray painting them copper to match the impending backsplash I want to do but then thought that might be too insane. Up until this previous weekend, I had planned to just spray paint the knobs oil-rubbed bronze, so they at least match the cabinet knobs, and then furrow my brow a little longer. And then, as I was driving with my husband to pick up our $15 chairs from Goodwill it hit me:
Ornamental doors. What if I made them gorgeous ornamental doors with some pressed copper tiles, like a copper tin roof? So I dug in my Pinterest board solely dedicated to doors (I know, I know. Insane) and came up with some inspiration:

The challenge behind this is that the doors are paneled, making them ornamental will be a little more difficult than if they were just flat. But now I know what to do. Now I have a plan.
I’m coming for you, laundry room doors. Stay tuned.
Ornamental door sounds great! I especially like the third photo of blue door and brown ornaments. Go for it! 🙂
Thanks, Marta! I can’t wait to tackle these 🙂
Can’t wait to see how they turn out!
Thanks, Jessica! Me, too…so many choices!