So now we’re going to go on to part two of the test, which
Is sealing some of them before they go in the epoxy and letting the
others go just in without sealant
Now, this is the only one that I have available without heading to the
store for the 46th time.

So I think, based on what I’ve seen from the other reviewers, this looks like this is going to be fine.
Some people use the glossy version, but
Again, I have satin, so that’s what.
We’re going to do.
So let’s give that a test. So despite these being so delicate, it’s a nice day out.
It’s one of the few remaining nice days in Rochester before the winter comes.
So I figured I would do all
Of the spraying outside. Hopefully none of these fly away. And also, I seem to have lost.
These sprigs.
From the week long drying, so they must have been a casualty of war or something. I’m not sure
where they went, but.
We’re still going to spritz them and see what happens.
All right, let’s give this a shot.
Make sure I’m spritzing the right place.
All right.
Going to let them dry for a little bit, and then we’ll put them in epoxy and see which one lasts.

Okay, now we are ready to check out the epoxy. I am using a performance that I got an Etsy from
Desert Resin, and they are filled by volume, not by weight. So we’re just going to mix this. I have four
different coasters here, one for each version to see which one’s going to work the best. And apologies
if I sound weird. I have my mask on so I don’t breathe this in. Just stir, stir, stir. I’m not particularly
concerned about bubbles or anything right now. That’s not really what we’re testing here. So this will
probably be a pretty dirty pour. There’s a lot of bubbles in there. Okay, so first up, got to put my dried
guys in here. And these are ones that have been sealed with clear coat. These are the microwaved
ones for experiments. These ones have been sealed, but were silicon dried.

And then last but not least, we have the non microwave ones. Okay, that’s four. Let’s see what
I can already tell these branches are going to be a bit of a problem because they can’t really get fully
under. I’m just going to get rid of this guy in the way, so support these. And I’m going to let them sit
and we’re going to see how this goes.

Okay, it has now been two weeks. Let’s unmold and see how this looks.
So interestingly. They all seem to really turn out not too bad.
I don’t know.
Which one do you think you like the best? Leave a comment, let me know.